It's all in the soil.
How Does Organic
Lawn Care Work?
It’s All In The Soil.
Healthy soil is alive with millions upon millions of beneficial organisms working to break down organic matter in your soil & make nutrients available to your grass. A healthy, living soil is attained by creating an environment where the organisms can flourish.
How is this environment achieved?
Just like people, the beneficial microbes & bacteria present in the soil of an organic lawn flourish when they are well fed with a nutritious diet, given plenty of fresh air & provided with the right amount of water. They will continuously work to provide your turf with just the right amount of nutrition exactly when it needs it.
An organic program uses natural methods & no synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. In 2008 Harvard University started using organic turf care practice on part of their grounds and eventually adopted these practices on their entire campus. The results can be found in the link to the New York Times at the bottom of this page.
By contrast, the chemically maintained lawn uses chemical additives that destroy the naturally occurring ecosystem, producing a “dead” soil. The result is a lawn that becomes progressively more addicted to these chemicals for nutrition, weed control & disease suppression. Chemical lawn maintenance leads to compacted soils with shallow root systems, conditions that cause decreased drought, weed & disease resistance.
Combined with proper cultural practices such as correct mowing height, sharp mower blades and proper watering practices that should be used in any lawn care program, a lawn that is organically maintained can be thick, green and healthy as well as safe and Eco-friendly.
Information On Organics & Pesticide Dangers
NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association):
Beyond Pesticides:
National Pesticide Information Center:
Pan UK synthetic weed controls:
NY Times Harvard turf results:
Mother Earth Gardens (Twin Cities best garden center for Organic Sustainable gardening & eco-friendly resources):
Oregon State University How long does weed killer stay in your soil: Click Here
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources How much we spend on synthetic fertilizers & chemicals: MNDNR
Organic Skin Care: